


Ammendment to 'OUTCLASS' rule - 1st October 2008.

Rule Changes to 'O.S.R.' ( Open Scoring Rules ) Kickboxing Format.

Due to improving standards withing the sport, A.K.A. England has decided to increase the amount a player needs to extend a points lead, in order to secure a T.K.O. by Outclass, and thus finishing a contest before the end of the scheduled rounds.

Previously this was 20 points, and was based on Olympic Boxing. A 20 point lead, would mean that a player was clearly leading by 20 strikes, and therefore could potentially begin inflicting needless damage to his opponent. As the strikes in Olympic Boxing come predominantly from Punches to the head, a 20 point lead, was the level chosen for safety reasons to enhance the sports safety. This was used as a basis for the 'O.S.R.' Kickboxing, and has until recently worked very well.

During the last twelve months many gyms on the A.K.A. circuit have made improvements to their training programs. Training in a more sports specific method, most now routinely use hand-clickers during free-sparring practise in their schools and have benefitted greatly from this.

This has lead to the improvement on Players strategy during 'O.S.R.' bouts that we are seeing today.


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Previously a Player would lead with a fast hand combination to make his opponent cover up defensively, and then finish with a single kick, before moving out of range ( typically known as a K-1 or Dutch method ). As the 'O.S.R.' system scores double ( two ) points for kicks that land on target, many gyms have taken this a step further as the sport has evolved.

Now we see Players using fast hand combinations and then finishing with two kicks. Or leading with two or three body kicks ( a common Muaythai method and potentially six points ), before closing the distance, clinch holding and then delivering knee-kicks.

Due to the improvements by those participating in the sport, and Players routinely using combinations that include a greater number of kicks to the body and legs, it has been decided to ammend the Outclass rule to a 40 point lead rather than a 20 point lead as used in Boxing.

In effect this is still a very similar method, as leading by '20' punches = 20 points in Amateur Boxing ( Olympic format ) and therefore a T.K.O. by Outclass. Now, in Amateur Kickboxing ( O.S.R. format ) leading by '20' Kicks = 40 points and a T.K.O. by Outclass.

A further ammendment will be the score awarded for inflicting an '8 count' on an opponent. This will increase from 5 points to 20 points. The rule wherby a Player is automatically stopped should he receive a second '8 count' during a round will continue.

We hope these ammendment will assist the sport in its ever increasing popularity, and will be monitoring this, as well as all other areas, to see where further improvements can be made.

Should you wish to discuss these changes with the A.K.A. please email Neil on narholden@aol.com.


Neil Holden.
England coordinator.


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